A hedge fund is an investment fund or asset fund that can undertake a wider range of investment and trading activities than other funds. Due to risk exposure, hedge fund is only open to some particular types of investors specified by regulators. Typically most of them are institutions and higher net worth individuals.
Hedge fund introduction

"We have a lot of models," the research manager Jon was very confident about the research levels at Campbell & Company, "With the help of the computer, we can quickly simulate trade with any model." If someone comes out any idea, it can be quickly turned to models. Then computer can run these models with huge historical data. With these kinds of simulations, models can be easily tested and verified. Without the computer, we can't image how this huge work can be done manually. Many hedge funds always bought the latest the most powerful computer or even mainframe to do models simulation. Once these models turned out to have very good positive results, they will be put the real market to make money. However, it needs the accurate execution by the computer. Only the computer can instantly calculate the data to verify if the conditions are met. In some sense, it is the computer not the people help hedge fund make money.
Hedge Fund Modelling and Analysis
Recently hedge funds are becoming more and more depending on information and communication technology. Who has fastest information gathering, fastest data communication and fastest data processing, and then he has most chance to win the money. According to the Prime Finance 2011 IT Survey released by Citi, Hedge funds will spend approximately $2.09 billion on information technology (IT) in 2011.

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